During the 10 weeks working with the Stride company, they presented a video game project with a historical premise following the main character exploring and fighting to preserve "forgotten" history. I had the honor to created the concept for the main character that the player will be running around in the map as well as worked as the style lead for the characters to create a cohesive roster for the game
Jamie* is the protagonist for the game, an African American student set out to find her missing research scattered by the antagonist. 

The original requirements that Stride had for us was to create a POC character that the player base can relate to, so I started off with a few silhouettes and with my fellow teammates narrowed it down to 2 which I then did a color pass on. The Stride team was then able to pick from the lineup that me and the rest of the team presented and we ended up with the Jamie* we know now.

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